Why purchase a real bouquet of flowers when you can share the gift of a “little white flower” for the one you love? A simple print with a dark background and a little white flower in its center is the perfect way to express your feelings.
Available in three sizes:
- 12" x 12" (gallery wrap only)
- 23" x 23"
- 36" x 36"
Available in two frame styles:
- Gallery wrap
- Grey wood frame
Why purchase a real bouquet of flowers when you can share the gift of a “little white flower” for the one you love? A simple print with a dark background and a little white flower in its center is the perfect way to express your feelings.
Available in three sizes:
- 12" x 12" (gallery wrap only)
- 23" x 23"
- 36" x 36"
Available in two frame styles:
- Gallery wrap
- Grey wood frame