Why purchase a real bouquet of flowers when you can share the gift of a “little white flower” for the one you love? A simple print with a dark background and a little white flower in its center is the perfect way to express your feelings.
Available in three sizes:
- 12" x 12" (gallery wrap only)
- 23" x 23"
- 36" x 36"
Available in two frame styles:
- Gallery wrap
- Grey wood frame
All of our art prints are hand made to order from start to finish. Production generally takes around 4-6 weeks. Since the art is made by hand the frame and piece of wood the art print comes on is nailed together in the final stage of production. Nail holes are meant to be visible and can be seen in all of our art prints.
For more information or shipping timelines please contact info@sugarbooandco.com
This item is not eligible for gift wrapping due to the way it comes packaged
Why purchase a real bouquet of flowers when you can share the gift of a “little white flower” for the one you love? A simple print with a dark background and a little white flower in its center is the perfect way to express your feelings.
Available in three sizes:
- 12" x 12" (gallery wrap only)
- 23" x 23"
- 36" x 36"
Available in two frame styles:
- Gallery wrap
- Grey wood frame
All of our art prints are hand made to order from start to finish. Production generally takes around 4-6 weeks. Since the art is made by hand the frame and piece of wood the art print comes on is nailed together in the final stage of production. Nail holes are meant to be visible and can be seen in all of our art prints.
For more information or shipping timelines please contact info@sugarbooandco.com
This item is not eligible for gift wrapping due to the way it comes packaged