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Sugarboo Custom Art


A few things to go over -

- Art is printed AS IS.
- We cannot reproduce fluorescent colors.
- Scan your art print with a minimum of 300 DPI.  600-1200 DPI is preferred.
- Upload your art to the provided link.
- We can print your art print AS IS, i.e. showing the lines from your notebook paper, or you can choose from 3 different backgrounds.
- Someone from Sugarboo & Co. will reach out to you to discuss the details of your print and what you are able to do.
- You will have the option for 2 edits and then we will go to print.
- Your finalized art print will be mailed directly to your home.


When you're preparing your artwork to send us, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Lighting - make note of your angle, making sure you're not getting a glare on your picture.
  • Angle - Try to take the photo as straight as possible.
  • It's ok if the picture is wide enough to show some of the area around the paper.

In order to ensure a good, clean print, we need your source image to be at least 300DPI. This just means that the image has a higher pixel density and can be resized more easily without becoming blurry. If you're using a home scanner, make sure you scan the image with the highest quality settings available. If you're having it scanned by someone else, just let them know that you need a high resolution scan.

If you're using your phone to take a picture of the image, you'll need to make sure your camera is saving in the highest quality possible. You can adjust this in your camera settings on your phone.


Step 1: Adjusting the Camera Settings
  1. Open the camera app on your Android phone.
  2. Look for the gear or settings icon, typically located at the top or bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap on the icon to access the camera settings menu.

Step 2: Adjusting Resolution and Aspect Ratio

  1. In the camera settings menu, find the "Resolution" or "Picture Size" option
  2. Select the highest available resolution to capture photos with the maximum amount of detail.
  3. Consider the aspect ratio: "16:9" is ideal for widescreen shots, while "4:3" is more standard and suitable for most situations.



 Step 1: Accessing the Camera Settings

  1. Open the Camera app on your iPhone.
  2. Look for the gear or settings icon usually located at the top right or bottom left of the screen.
  3. Tap on the icon to access the camera settings menu.

Step 2: Adjusting Resolution and Aspect Ratio

  1. In the camera settings menu, locate the "Formats" or "Camera Formats" option.
  2. Tap on it to open the formats settings.
  3. Select "Most Compatible"


Once you've got your picture taken, your art is ready to upload.  Simply click the upload button below to begin the process.